Congress Approves Financial And Legal Reports
The 37th FIVB World Congress today approved the financial reports from 2018-2019 and the proposed changes to the FIVB Constitution and Rules of Procedure of the FIVB Congress.
The Congress received a report on the FIVB’s financial activities from FIVB Finance Department Director Yves Eymann, along with the Internal Auditor’s Report and Controller’s Report from FIVB Controller Olivier Zysset, the External Auditor’s Report from Deloitte, and the FIVB Investment Portfolio report from FIVB President Dr Ary S Graça F°. All reports were approved. Additionally, the Congress approved the budget for 2021-2022.
Several changes to the FIVB Constitution, which were sent to all National Federations prior to the Congress, were also approved. The changes include the reduction of the age limit for FIVB presidential candidates from 75 to 70 as well as a reduction from 75 down to 72 for FIVB Board of Administration candidates and officials in a position of responsibility at the FIVB and at continental level.
In addition, the Congress approved the creation of four new seats on the FIVB Board of Administration to be appointed by the FIVB President to further increase the representation of different stakeholders across volleyball.
The four new seats must be occupied by one representative from each of the following four categories: athlete, gender-in-minority, Director in Charge from FIVB Secretariat and an independent member. This change aligns with recent trends in good governance which encourage International Sports Federations to add seats for athletes and independent members whilst increasing gender balance on administrative boards.
Based on this proposal, the Congress also approved the removal of co-opted members from the FIVB Executive Committee.
Revisions to the definition of voting majority (both in the FIVB Constitution and Rules of Procedure of the FIVB Congress) were also approved. Additionally, changes to provisions relating to the signature of contracts and competence of the President, were approved to align with the latest best practices in good governance.
The changes of the FIVB Constitution will come into effect three months after the closure of the FIVB Congress in accordance with Article of the FIVB Constitution. The FIVB Constitution and Regulations can be found here.
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